Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ulasan Wacana Peradaban : Tahaluf Siyasi

1) Tahaluf Siyasi bagi sebuah gerakan Islam harus bersandar kepada nas nas syarak. Tahaluf dalam erti kata memberi bantuan atau menerima bantuan dari orang kafir.

2) Menurut ar Rasyid hukum paling tinggi bagi Tahaluf dengan orang kafir ialah HARUS dan tidak akan melangkau kepada WAJIB.

3) Keharusan Tahaluf juga terletak kepada beberapa syarat yang ketat diantaranya:

  • Umat Islam/Agenda Islam adalah dominan.
  • Orang kafir itu adalah yang boleh dipercayai dan tiada sejarah kebencian terhadap Islam atau khianat.

4) Seorang panelis mengatakan bahawa tulisan Ar Rasyid adalah sumber mentah dan perlu diperhaluskan untuk kajian sekiranya ingin mengaplikasikan kajian beliau di Malaysia.

5) Beliau juga mengatakan tulisan ar Rasyid banyak menjurus kepada tahaluf dalam bentuk peperangan manakala tahaluf politik adalah bidang yang berlainan.

6) Perkara ini dibantah oleh panelis lain yang mengatakan tahaluf peperangan dan tahaluf politik adalah sama jika dilihat dari sudut perebutan kuasa, menang kalah dan untung rugi bagi sesebuah agenda.

7) Pada sesi soal jawab, kebanyakan soalan adalah berkisar tentang Tahaluf PAS dengan DAP dan UMNO dengan BN.

8) Tahaluf UMNo adalah dalam bentuk untuk mengekalkan kuasa manakala Tahaluf PAS adalah dalam bentuk untuk mengalahkan UMNO/BN. Tiada agenda Islam yang jelas di dalam kedua dua bentuk Tahaluf.

9) Di akhir sesi, panelis menjelaskan bahawa Malaysia adalah sebuah negara yang tidak menghalang usaha dakwah dan tarbiyah dijalankan. Seharusnya semua gerakan Islam menumpukan kepada aspek dakwah dan tarbiyah kerana ia adalah satu satunya solusi yang hakiki bagi survival Islam di Malaysia.

10) Pembinaan masyarakat yang bertamadun dan berpegang teguh dengan ajaran Islam adalah asas bagi kemenangan.

11) Panelis juga mengingatkan bahawa di Malaysia amal politik telah melangkaui amal dakwah sehinggakan umat Islam berpecah belah kerana politik dan keadaan itu menguntungkan orang kafir.

Ulasan saya:

1) Ahli ISMA hendaklah jelas bahawa agenda perubahan yang benar benar akan menjayakan Islam di Malaysia ini hanyalah melalui jalan dakwah dan tarbiyah.

2) Fokus kita adalah kepada mendidik diri dan umat kepada kefahaman Islam yang syumul, pembinaan syakhsiah diri yang cemerlang dan pembinaan masyarakat yang bertamadun. Hanya dengan demikian umat Islam boleh bersatu semula. Ini sahaja sudah memakan hampir kesemua masa dan tenaga kita.

3) Komentar komentar kita di dalam arena politik negara hanyalah dalam rangka nasihat kepada parti Umat Islam agar jangan menggadaikan kepentingan umat di dalam mengejar/mempertahankan kekuasaan.

4) Kita juga mahu menyeru agar parti umat Islam dan umat Islam keseluruhannya dapat bersatu semula di bawah asas akidah yang benar.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tinggikan bendera kalian!!

Saya masih ingin berkongsi tentang taujih oleh Syeikh Prof Dr Hesham Sakr tempohari.

Peserta: Syeikh, sepertimana yang diketahui ISMA membawa agenda 'Melayu Sepakat Islam Berdaulat' dan agenda ini ialah sebuah agenda menentang arus, luar dari kebiasaan dan pelik. Dan hakikatnya seolah olah ISMA bersendirian di dalam membawa agenda ini. Apa nasihat syeikh untuk kami?

Syeikh: Sebenarnya anda tidak bersendirian. Di luar sana terdapat ramai orang yang sependapat dengan kamu. Mereka masih tersembunyi di dalam rumah mereka atau organisasi organisasi mereka. Apa yang perlu kamu lakukan iala tinggikan bendera kamu, contohkan kepada mereka hakikat agenda kamu dan insyaAllah kamu akan melihat mereka datang berhimpun bersama kamu....

"Raise your flag higher and make an example, insyaAllah they will come to you"

Monday, July 18, 2011

Taujih Syeikh Hesham Sakr

Alhamdulillah saya bersyukur kepada Allah swt kerana sempat mendengar taujih dari Syeikh Prof Dr Hesham Hosni Sakr, salah seorang senior Ikhwanul Muslimin dan juga penulis buku hebat Ghulam Dakwah. Di dalam taujih beliau, beliau menekankan akan kepentingan kefahaman Islam yang syumul, yang menjadi teras kepada kebangkitan umat. Dan caranya adalah dengan 'deep tarbiyah' (tarbiyah yang mengakar).

Namun bagi saya yang paling menarik adalah dalam sesi soal jawab. Antara yang paling saya ingat ialah:

1) Sepanjang 20 tahun ini banyak perkara telah berlaku dan salah satunya ialah perpecahan. Perpecahan terjadi dengan masalah yang terkumpul (combined problem) tetapi yang bertanggungjawab bagi perpecahan ini adalah qiyadah (pimpinan). Qiyadah tidak dapat menanggapi masalah orang bawah dan tidak bertindak bijak di dalam menghadapi ketidakpuas hatian mereka. Namun, syeikh juga menyeru agar para pendakwah bersikap memaafkan dan menambahkan toleransi dalam berhubungan di dalam jemaah. Jangan terlalu mudah memisahkan diri dari Jemaah kerana ia akan melemahkan umat Islam.

2) Namun, syeikh sedar perkara itu sudah berlaku dan yakin ada pengajaran besar yang boleh diambil. Manusia cenderung untuk melihat dengan lebih jelas pokok pangkal permasalahan apabila ditimpa musibah dan itu pasti menjadi sesuatu yang berharga buat mereka.

3) Syeikh menegaskan beliau percaya kepada ISMA, kalimah 'I trust you, thats why i'm here with you' terus diulang berkali kali. Kepercayaan itu berdasarkan hakikat keyakinan beliau bahawa ISMA terdiri dari orang yang soleh dan dia melihat ada 'harapan' bagi ISMA. Syeikh tidak menerangkan apakah bentuk harapan yang beliau maksudkan tetapi saya merasakan beliau maksudkan adalah ISMA dapat bersatu kembali dan memperbaiki perpecahan sebelum ini. Wallahua'lam.

4) Syeikh menegaskan berkali kali bahawa dakwah Islam adalah untuk semua, bukan kepada bangsa Melayu sahaja. Tetapi logik bagi Malaysia yang majoriti muslimnya adalah Melayu, maka usaha dakwah kepada bangsa Melayu perlu lebih kuat dan terfokus.

5) Kata kata keramat pada malam itu ialah Deep Tarbiyah, Expand then Deep Tarbiyah, Expand..over and over again...

6) Ada peserta bertanya apakah relevannya meletkkan Melayu sebagai tonggak kebangkitan Islam sedangkan Melayu sendiri tidak diyakini oleh bukan Islam untuk memimpin. Syeikh menjawab, orang bukan Islam percaya bahawa Melayu tidak mampu dan mereka juga mahu Melayu mempercayai begitu. Itu agenda mereka.

7) Tetapi, syeikh menegaskan bahawa orang Melayu mempunyai potensi besar untuk meninggikan Islam namun harus dengan kerja keras dan pengorbanan yang tinggi.Never lose confidence in yourself...

8) Dari sudut negara, Mesir sedang menjadikan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara contoh. Apa yang ada di Malaysia sekarang adalah target Mesir di dalam membentuk negara mereka.

9) Penutupnya, syeikh menegaskn bahawa ISMA mengikuti fikrah Ikhwan Muslimin, memahami Islam sebagai mana IM memahaminya. Tetapi itu tidak menutup pintu perbaikan dan kesungguhan.


p/s: sekiranya ada penambahan dan perbaikan boleh comment di bawah.

Friday, February 11, 2011

ABC Australia Interview with Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwanul Muslimin)'s senior.

p/s: antum boleh memahami manhaj Ikhwan dengan membaca interview ini.

Video of the interview:

TONY JONES, PRESENTER: We've now entered the 17th day of protests in Egypt and
as the turmoil continues there are concerns both in Egypt and abroad about the
agenda of the country's biggest opposition party, the Muslim Brotherhood.

Our guest tonight is a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood who's still in
close contact with the leadership in Egypt. Dr Kamal el-Helbawy joined me
earlier from our studio in London.

Dr El-Helbawy, thank you for joining us.

KAMAL EL-HELBAWY, MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD: It's a pleasure. It's a pleasure.

TONY JONES: Do you see the Iranian Revolution in any way as a model for what
could happen in Egypt?

KAMAL EL-HELBAWY: No, there is a big difference between the revolution in Egypt
and the revolution in Iran. Some of the differences can be summarised in the
following points. The revolution in Iran was led by the mullahs, the scholars,
but the revolution in Egypt is led by the people from different sectors of life.

So, there is no way to say that it will go according to the model of the
revolution in Iran. In Egypt we have different religions. We have Muslims, we
have Christians, we have others as well and who have different political
orientations. We have leftists, we have (inaudible), we have liberals, we have
seculars and we have Islamists, and this makes a big difference that the future
administration in Egypt should take in consideration, the multi-party system and
all related matters related to political reform mainly in Egypt.

So in some ways it is different from the Islamic revolution. But this does not
mean that the Islamic revolution in Iran did not have impact, although it was
very slow, on other areas in the region.

TONY JONES: Well, that's certainly the case and you mentioned the range of
parties there and your own party, the Muslim Brotherhood, is considered to be an
Islamist party.

And I'm just wondering how much power could they conceivably get if Egypt had
free and fair elections? Could you end up as the ruling party, the governing

KAMAL EL-HELBAWY: It may happen if the people select a majority of the
Parliament from Islamists, but I cannot assure you at present the Muslim
Brotherhood popularity can reach 35, 39, up to 40 per cent if there is none
rigged and there is free election in Egypt.

And in any case, the Muslim Brotherhood leadership and spokesman announced it
many, many times, as it is in our teachings that we teach to our junior
generations, that we are not after power, but we are after a society that is
built on, and a political system built on democratic values, freedom and equal
social justice, equal opportunities and the dignity of human rights and the
respect of human rights.

If these are available by anyone, we will accept him as our administration and
the president and the government. So this will be the best government. We are
not concentrating on ourselves to come to power, but on the reform in the

TONY JONES: In the past, the Muslim Brotherhood has demonstrated under the
slogan "Islam is the answer". We haven't seen those kind of banners in this
popular uprising in Tahrir Square.

Does that mean you've rejected that idea, or does it mean you're simply keeping
quiet about it until you get rid of Mubarak?

KAMAL EL-HELBAWY: No, no. You have in Australia different political parties and
each one of them has its own agenda, private agenda. If you are doing only your
agenda and the people accept it, that is something, but if you find that the
whole population of the Australia are going out demonstrating against Mubarak,
so the priority is not for the private agenda, the priority is for the agenda
proposed and the amendments needed and required by the revolutions.

Not - it is not the right time or the place for the private agenda. Neither
Islamist, nor the leftist.

TONY JONES: But can I interrupt you for a moment, because it may not be the
right time now, and that could be the point of my question.

Is it still the primary aim of the Islamic Brotherhood to create an Islamic
state in Egypt based on Sharia law?

KAMAL EL-HELBAWY: They will promote that aim and objective, but if the people
agree for it, there is no enforcement. If the people like it to be ruled by
Islam, why not? This is not our immediate aim at present, but we will not
forsake that aim and we will work for it in future peacefully, not through

TONY JONES: If it is a long-term aim, if it came to pass if the Muslim
Brotherhood became the governing party in Egypt, what would change in Egypt?

For example, would the Muslim Brotherhood, would a government dominated by the
Muslim Brotherhood tear up the peace treaty with Israel?

KAMAL EL-HELBAWY: No, no. There will be many changes, but not to that effect of
- we are taught, since our youth and young days, early days to respect all the
covenants and respect all the treaties, including the peace process, but we
would like to confirm that any treaty should be built on justice, not injustice.

We will fight injustice and try to reform injustices. But we respect all
treaties. But the change that will happen in Egypt should be very clear from
now, because the Muslim Brotherhood concentrate on building and the preparation
of human resources more than anything else. We build the human being that should
behave nicely in the society, that should behave peacefully, that should love
the good for society and for others, that should respect other people. This is
written in our literature in every library and every...


KAMAL EL-HELBAWY: ...bookshop in Egypt and in the world now.

TONY JONES: OK. Let me ask you this, because this is a fundamental question as
well: would the Muslim Brotherhood, if prominent or dominant in government,
maintain a close relationship with the United States?

For example, would you continue to accept $1.3 billion a year in military aid
from the United States, should the United States want to keep giving you that

KAMAL EL-HELBAWY: I do believe that the Muslim Brotherhood will build very good
relationship in the international sphere with every nation, including the United
States. But this relation should be built on mutual respect and dignity. They
cannot be built on hegemony, and if the American state, American would like to
help in the development of Egypt and the promotion of Egypt, we will not be
ungrateful and we will accept that and build our relation.

But if the Americans were giving this money for Mubarak and others who are
corrupt and who are - who have been stealing the resources and the aid coming
from America and the other areas, then this will be another choice of the
Americans. But in our long term, we should not depend on aids coming from
outside or abroad or international. We have to benefit from our resources,
agricultural, cultural, commercial, industrial as well.

TONY JONES: OK. We're nearly out of time and I've got to ask you just one last
question. You said that if the Muslim Brotherhood gained power it would seek to
institute Sharia law with popular support.

How quickly could that possibly happen? And just give me one major change you
would see in Egypt if Sharia law were introduced by your government?

KAMAL EL-HELBAWY: I would like to say that we are not enforcing Sharia law, but
I said if the majority in the Parliament would like to see Islamists in power
and agree on Islamic law and Sharia, the Muslim Brotherhood will be happy to
implement that without any negative impact or effect on non-Muslims.

For example, if an Australian who is not a Muslim is in Egypt in Cairo and would
like to drink wine, he should find his wine, but the Muslims should not be in
that direction. It should be because Islam does not want Muslim to drink wine,
for example, or commit adultery. You can't give a licence for a Muslim to build
a house for adultery or for prostitution. So this will change. In this area, it
will change.

TONY JONES: A quick question: you mentioned adultery, and of course the
punishment under Sharia law for adultery is stoning to death. Could you imagine
that happening in Egypt?

KAMAL EL-HELBAWY: Not always this is the case, but for example if you have - if
you are going in the street and there is a red light, you can't go ahead, you
will make disasters. So this is a red light that should not be trespassed and it
is not necessarily to capital punishment.

But the ruler has its power to make it less punishment according the seriousness
of the crime committed. And, by the way, adultery - in the Ten Commandments,
adultery is also prohibited.

TONY JONES: Dr El-Helbawy, we'll have to leave you there. We've got much more to
talk about. Perhaps we'll come back and do this again at some time as it gets
closer to a change of regime in Egypt.

We thank you very much for joining us.

KAMAL EL-HELBAWY: Thank you very much. Thank you very, very much.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Resolusi Konvensyen KEMM1511

Antara resolusi KEMM1511:

1. Bangsa Melayu telah menjadi bangsa Islam yang sebaris dengan bangsa-bangsa lain di kalangan umat Islam di serata dunia, memainkan peranan mengembang dan mendaulatkan Islam di rantau ini.
2. Kedudukan yang hebat itu telah dicapai kerana Islam telah sebati dengan pemikiran serta adab budaya Melayu sehingga melahirkan tamadun bangsa yang agung.
3. Sejarah mencatatkan kecekalan bangsa Melayu mempertahankan keperibadian dan jatidiri keIslaman mereka dalam siri perjuangan yang panjang menentang penjajah yang bertujuan menjadikan Melayu bangsa yang lemah.
4. Kesatuan agenda Islam dan semangat kebangsaannya telah berjaya menyatukan orang Melayu sepanjang sejarah.
5. Kelunturan pegangan umat Melayu kepada Islam telah melemahkan sendi-sendi kekuatan yang menjadi pemangkin untuk agenda penjajah yang berteraskan humanism dan materialism bertapak lalu melemahkan jatidiri bangsa Melayu.

Berdasarkan rumusan tersebut Konvensyen Memperingati 500 Kejatuhan Empayar Melayu Islam Melaka menegaskan bahawa bangsa Melayu mesti:

1. Menyedari keperluan yang mendesak supaya kembali kepada keperibadian Islam mereka yang asal.
2. Mengharmonikan kefahaman antara Nasionalis dengan Islamis dalam perjuangan bangsa Melayu di Malaysia.
3. Menjadikan usaha mengumpul bukti-bukti sejarah yang boleh mengembalikan Melayu kepada jatidiri mereka sebagai agenda nasional.
4. Mendedahkan fakta-fakta sejarah bagi memberi nafas baru dalam memahami sejarah perjuangan bangsa Melayu.
5. Mentajdid peradaban Melayu dalam rangka mewariskan kisah kegemilangan, peradaban dan kepahlawanan umat Islam.
6. Mencari persepakatan atas satu agenda yang boleh mambangunkan sebuah bangsa yang mempunyai agenda yang didukung bersama, “Melayu sepakat Islam berdaulat”.
7. Memperkasakan institusi yang memperjuangkan dan memartabatkan identiti keperibadian bangsa Melayu.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Letter from Egypt

From:Hadil El-Khouly


Dear Friends

Today I flew back to Cairo to join family and friends in this historic uprising againts Mubarak's despotic regime. A few of us on the plane found ourselves in tears just laying our eyes on Cairo as its lights appeared from the sky.

Many of my friends have been camping in Tahrir square all night, while others have been arrested and beaten and humilated.

Yet the determination and strength of everyone is like an earthquake that shook Mubarak's system.

On my way from the airport I passed by at least 10 security checks, including neighborhood watches from ordinary people who sat up all night ,set up fire to warm themselves in the cold and arming themselves with whatever weapons they could find againt thugs and secret riot police who try to terrorize and intimidate people.

I stayed up all night chatting with friends who have been going regularly to tahrir square, sharing stories upon which we cracked up laughing and stories whch made us shed tears.Two of them had just been released from secret police who caught them bringing much needed medical aid and cotton to injured protestors at the square.These were a group of 16-19 year old teenagers, yet this didnt stop the police from terrorizing and assaulting them.

Muhamad Haeikal one of the prominent Egyptian thinkers summarized the whole situation in one beautifull sentence " the ugliest of what is in Egypt tried brutally to kill what is most noble in it".
It was eye opening to all of us, especially the pro-democracy opposition activist like us, that while the world, then UN, the various Human development reports, were telling us how uneducated, poor, corrupt, violent and racist we are, it was amazing to see a humane, noble, conscious and aware people that is humbling to say at least. It is incredible to see how when our ruthless dictators loose their ground, a nobility and love for one own's country emerges.

A picture in the front page on one of the newspaper here was showing a picture of an army solider who was shedding tears beacuse he could not protect the proestors from the violent thugs. The picture is showing one of the protestors whiping away his tears.

Coptic Christians formed human chains around Muslims protecting them while they are performing their friday prayers.

The stories of heroism are incredible, this is the first time in our history we witness riot police being inspected by neighbourhood watch people.
A doctor was sharing, on the funny side, how an old man with more than 30 bones broken still insisted on coming to the square every day! He was begging the man not to return so he can give medical aid to others.

In the middle of all of this, Egyptians did not loose their sense of humor, people chanting and dancing in the millions " Mubarak went crazy' as the tanks stand behind them and try to terrorize them.
There were the stories of Azhar scholars and students joining the protestors in their cloaks , even though the only slogans they knew were from the times of resistance to the british colonial rule, people embraced them laughingly and warmly while carrying them on thier shoulders and chanting.

I will head to the Tahrir square in an hour. Please do share the updates with your contacts and media.



Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ben Ali: Friendless, Homeless And Humiliated -Dictators Take Note

By Yvonne Ridley

17 January, 2011

He might still be living in the lap of luxury, but make no mistake Tunisia's former President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali and his family are prisoners.

Like birds in a guilded cage, they are languishing in a palace in one of the most exclusive districts of Jeddah but the truth is Ben Ali and his equally odious and corrupt family have nowhere else to hide.

It should signal a warning to all the other despots and dictators in the region – Egypt in particular – that no matter how close you think you are to the West, in times of trouble they will drop you faster than a burning coal.

As one of the cruelest oppressors on the planet scrambled to board a plane to escape what some may consider a well deserved lynching, the truth is he had no idea where he was going.

So fast was his demise.

We were told he was heading for Malta, then France and Dubai and half a dozen other countries but the truth is no one wanted the 74-year-old.

A desperate man, he finally found a bolthole in the Red Sea port city of Jeddah on Friday, arriving around midnight after close ally President Nicholas Sarkozy rejected a request for his plane to land on french soil.

Meanwhile frantic calls to the White House hotline and to Obama rang unanswered.

Once again America has proved itself to be a fickle friend just as the late Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi discovered when he went in to exile after his repressive regime in Iran was overthrown in the Islamic Revolution of 1979. The former Shah spent his exile in Egypt, totally isolated and shunned by the very same leaders in the West who had once supported him.

The Saudi government refuses to say how long he will be their guest but I like to think the many soldiers posted outside the palace's half dozen or so gates are not there for his protection but there to ensure he remains within the high sided walls.

Quite how this secular leader will settle in the land of the Two Holy Mosques is beyond me. Ben Ali despised Islam to such an extent he made sure his brutal enforcers abused and punished those God-fearing Tunisians who wore hijabs and grew beards.

For instance, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and the Interior and the Secretary-General of Tunisia's ruling political party, the Constitutional Democratic Rally, stated several years ago that they were so concerned about rise in the use of the hijab by women and girls and beards and the qamis (knee-level shirts) by men, that they called for a strict implementation of decree 108 of 1985 of the Ministry of Education banning the hijab at educational institutions and when working in government.

Police ordered women to remove their head scarfs before entering schools, universities or work places and others were made to remove them in the street. Amnesty International reported at the time that some women were being arrested and taken to police stations where they were forced to sign written commitment to stop wearing the hijab.

Perhaps someone should remind the Saudis about that and have him charged under Shari'a law just for starters.

Ben Ali's hatred and fear of Islam can also be witnessed in Egypt where Hosni Mubarak rules with an iron fist. The prisons and dungeons of Egypt are jammed full of members of the Muslim Brotherhood and other dissenting voices and political opponents who are rounded up everytime an election is in the offing.

Mubarak's betrayal of the Palestinian people and his irrational fear of Hamas speaks volumes also about his secular outlook and lifestyle which is at odds with Islam.

I was asked to leave Cairo in December 2009 by his Foreign Ministry after writing an article in which I said Mubarak had turned Egypt into America's rent boy in the Middle East because of the huge sums of money he willingly took from the US in return for oppressing the people of Gaza and supporting Israel.

But now he must be wondering if bending over a barrel for Uncle Sam is really a price worth paying.

After all, no one grovelled more to America than Ben Ali. In 2005 he was even ordered to extend the hand of friendship to the Zionist State, a country which had bombed his own when Yasser Arafat's PLO was headquartered in Tunis in 1986.

Did he object? No, in fact Ben Ali went one step further and invited the war criminal Ariel Sharon to visit Tunisia. Well, where has all that craven behaviour got him?

Just like the previous Tunisian tyrant, he happily kissed the rump of Zionists while belly-dancing in front of Western leaders who claimed to be among his closest allies.

Well, just where are his friends now?

He's friendless, homeless and humiliated.

British journalist Yvonne Ridley is the European President of the International Muslim Womens Union. She travelled extensively through Tunisia in February 2009 with the Viva Palestina convoy.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Aku Rindu...

semoga dakwah yang kita bina terus mempertahankan assholahnya

Oleh: KH. Rahmat Abdullah, Alloh yarhamhu

Aku rindu zaman ketika “halaqoh” adalah kebutuhan,
bukan sekedar sambilan apalagi hiburan

Aku rindu zaman ketika “membina” adalah kewajiban,
bukan pilihan apalagi beban dan paksaan

Aku rindu zaman ketika “dauroh” menjadi kebiasaan,
bukan sekedar pelengkap pengisi program yang dipaksakan

Aku rindu zaman ketika “tsiqoh” menjadi kekuatan,
bukan keraguan apalagi kecurigaan

Aku rindu zaman ketika “tarbiyah” adalah pengorbanan,
bukan tuntutan dan hujatan

Aku rindu zaman ketika “nasihat” menjadi kesenangan,
bukan su'udzon atau menjatuhkan

Aku rindu..
zaman ketika kita semua memberikan segalanya untuk da'wah ini

Aku rindu..
zaman ketika “nasyid ghuroba” menjadi lagu kebangsaan

Aku rindu..
zaman ketika hadir di “liqo” adalah kerinduan, dan terlambat adalah kelalaian

Aku rindu..
zaman ketika malam gerimis pergi ke puncak mengisi dauroh dengan ongkos ngepas dan peta tak jelas

Aku rindu..
zaman ketika seorang ikhwah benar-benar jalan kaki 2 jam di malam buta sepulang tabligh dakwah di desa sebelah

Aku rindu..
zaman ketika akan pergi liqo selalu membawa uang infak, alat tulis, buku catatan dan Qur'an terjemahan ditambah sedikit hafalan

Aku rindu..
zaman ketika seorang binaan menangis karena tak bisa hadir di liqo

Aku rindu..
zaman ketika tengah malam pintu depan diketok untuk mendapat berita kumpul subuh harinya

Aku rindu..
zaman ketika seorang ikhwah berangkat liqo dengan ongkos jatah belanja esok hari untuk keluarganya

Aku rindu..
zaman ketika seorang murobbi sakit dan harus dirawat, para binaan patungan mengumpulkan dana apa adanya
Aku rindu zaman itu,
Aku rindu...

Jangan Kau buang kenikmatan berda'wah dari hati-hati kami
Jangan Kau jadikan hidup ini,
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Friday, January 07, 2011

Konvensyen Memperingati 500 Tahun Kejatuhan Empayar Melayu Islam Melaka

Realiti masyarakat melayu hari ini mengambarkan seolah-olah bangsa melayu telah hilang hakikat jatidiri mereka. Semua nilai negatif telah dilonggokkan pada imej mereka. Lebih malang lagi, senario politik semasa telah mengakibatkan perjuangan mereka ditentukan oleh agenda bangsa minoriti yang telah menjadi golongan pendesak. Adalah dipercayai, ini merupakan kesan langsung dari penjajahan jangka panjang yang bermula sejak tahun 1511 lagi.

Penjajahan fizikal dan minda telah mengakibatkan mereka hilang jatidiri dan agenda perjuangan. Apa yang dapat kita dilihat pada hari ini adalah simptomnya yang zahir dalam masyarakat. Antara senjata utama penjajah adalah humanisme dan globalisasi yang telah memaksa bangsa ini menerima piawaian barat sebagai ukuran keadilan, kejayaan dan ketamadunan.

Justeru itu, Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA) dengan kerjasama Persatuan Belia Islam Nasional (PEMBINA) akan menganjurkan satu Konvensyen yang bertajuk “Konvensyen Memperingati 500 Tahun Kejatuhan Empayar Melayu Islam Melaka” sempena memperingati kejatuhan Empayar Melayu Islam Melaka 1511.

Ia bagi menyedarkan masyarakat Melayu Islam sejarah kegemilangan yang pernah dicapai oleh bangsa mereka yang didirikan dengan berpaksi kepada keutuhan jatidiri dan iltizam tinggi terhadap pelaksanaan syariat Islam.

Sabtu 29 Januari 2011
Universiti Teknikal Melaka (UTeM)

8.00 – 8.30 pg
Pendaftaran Peserta

8.30 – 9.30 pg
Pembentangan 1
“Kegemilangan Empayar Kesultanan Melayu Melaka
YBhg. Prof Emeritus Datuk Dr Yusuf B Hashim, Naib Cancelor Kolej Universiti Islam Melaka (KUIM)

9.30 – 10.00 pg
Kehadiran VVIP / VIP

10.00 – 10.45 pg
Majlis Perasmian – Ucapan Alu-aluan dan Perasmian
Ucapan Alu-aluan oleh Al-Fadhil Ustaz Abdullah Zaik Abd Rahman
Presiden Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA)

Ucapan Perasmian oleh -
YB Dr Hj Mohd Puad B Zarkashi, Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran

10.45 – 11.00 pg
Jamuan VVIP / VIP & Jamuan ringan peserta

11.00 – 12.00 tgh
Pembentangan 2
“Kejatuhan Melaka dalam Tahun 1511 sebagai Pelajaran Penting kepada Bangsa Melayu-Islam Hari Ini.”

– YBhg. Dato’ Dr. Hassan Ahmad, Mantan Pengarah Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka

12.00 – 1.00 ptg
Pembentangan 3
“Perjuangan Bangsa Melayu Dalam Mempertahankan Jatidiri dan Agama Islam”
Al Fadhil Ust Mohd Fauzi Asmuni – Naib Presiden II Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA)

1.00 – 2.00 ptg
Rehat / Makan / Solat

2.00 – 4.00 ptg
Forum : “Mengambalikan Jatidiri Bangsa Melayu dan Islam”
- Pengerusi : Y. Bhg Tuan Hj Aminuddin Yahaya, Setiausaha Agung ISMA

+ Al Fadhil Ustaz Abdullah Zaik Abd Rahman, Presiden Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA)
+ Yg Bhg Dr Muhd Razak B Idris, Presiden, Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM)
+ Profesor Datuk Dr Abdul Latif B Abu Bakar, Ketua II, Gabungan Penulis Nasional , GAPENA
+ Yg Bhg Dato’ Seri Dr Siti Zaharah Sulaiman, Mantan Menteri

4.00 – 4.30 ptg
Majlis Penutup Dan Ucapan Penangguhan
En Abdul Rahman Mat Dali, Timbalan Presiden Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA)

4.30 ptg
Majlis bersurai